Articles about "recipes"

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Beans soup recipe

In the past beans were the meat of the poors: beans have always had many nutritional and energetic qualities.

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Jujube, a fruit that people hardly ever talk about. Poor thing!

Have you ever turned into jujube liquor?

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

We love Italian cheeses - part 7

The Tyrol and its cheesy delicacies.

Lampedusa: where Africa and Sicily meet

Lampedusa: where Africa and Sicily meet

Splinters of Africa scattered in the Mediterranean sea

Watery, summer seasonal, and has seeds. Watermelon? No, zucchini!

Watery, summer seasonal, and has seeds. Watermelon? No, zucchini!

Let’s profit from this season’s veggies.

Lemon: depurative, high in vitamins and multi-purpose fruit.

Lemon: depurative, high in vitamins and multi-purpose fruit.

Yellow like the shiny sun that caresses its peel

Anchovies: a treasure from our sea

Anchovies: a treasure from our sea

Campania region’s cooking secrets.

Annurca apple: you’ll be conquered by its delicious taste!

Annurca apple: you’ll be conquered by its delicious taste!

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away…

A quick fennel recipe

A quick fennel recipe

Fennel is a winter vegetable cultivated in Italy and in the Mediterranean area.

A cake from ancient times: paesana cake

A cake from ancient times: paesana cake

The old culinary traditions never die…

Rice, potatoes and mussels recipe

Rice, potatoes and mussels recipe

A dive into the cuisine of Puglia region, a dish where earth and sea meet.

How to make candied orange peels

How to make candied orange peels

Not good at baking cakes? Candied orange peels are the solution. Stop buying them, make your own!

#Asiago: a Venetian #cheese and city

Asiago: a Venetian cheese and city

Italian cheeses - part 5.

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Rediscovered food: lupini beans

Hunting forgotten food…

Bruschetta: our ace in the hole

Bruschetta: our ace in the hole

All the good coming from Sicily.

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