A fruit is a part of a plant, by which it disseminates seeds for its reproduction. Many fruits are edible, even in a raw state and they are a good source of several healty properties in our diet. In general, fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants and other micro-nutrients which help the body to renew tissues, cells and organs.
Along with vegetables, a diet rich in fruits can definitely improve your life: fruits reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease and some type of cancers, lower blood pressure and the risk of digestive problems. Fruits also have a positive effect on blood sugar that can keep appetite under control.
Sources - Vegetables and Fruits - Fruit
The circle of (fruit and vegetable) seasons.
New doctor prescription: eat fresh (original) fruits.
featuring a bonus refreshing recipe.
Wall painting. Pompeii, House of Giulia Felice, 79 b.C National Archaeological Museum, Naples.
List of fruits