Articles about "recipes"

Mozzarella in Carrozza recipe

Mozzarella in Carrozza recipe

What a funny name for a simple and tasty dish of the popular Neapolitan cuisine!

Discovering the treasures of Mantua

Discovering the treasures of Mantua

Time to wander (and taste) around!!

Lazio VS Sicily: a chicken recipe

Lazio VS Sicily: a chicken recipe

Who’s going to win the fight?

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Italy: top European Risotto producer

Discover a type of risotto!

Sicilian and Neapolitan Parmigiana

Sicilian and Neapolitan Parmigiana

Which one do you prefer?

Samosa's #salmon, #shrimps and #zucchini #recipe

Samosa's salmon, shrimps and zucchini recipe

Aromas and flavors from the world. Have you ever heard about Samosa?

Italian #Castagnaccio (chestnut flour cake) #recipe

Italian Castagnaccio (chestnut flour cake) recipe

In Italy we call it "castagnaccio" and it is a cake made with chestnut flour. Nowadays we find castagnaccio in many autumn festivals and we consider it as a cake, but in the past castagnaccio was a poor dish of the Apennines area where chestnuts were a staple food of rural populations.

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Whole grilled eel

This simple and quick recipe for eel comes from Comacchio, a little town near Ferrara in Emilia Romagna Region.

All about eel, the snake from the oceans

All about eel, the snake from the oceans

It’s like a snake but doesn’t slither…what is it?

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Eel broth in Comacchiese way

An eel recipe with a second name: eel broth a becco d'asino (in a donkey beak way).

The history of babà and its delicious recipe

The history of babà and its delicious recipe

A delicious pastry product Neapolitans are famous for.

Bonet - a delicious dessert from Piedmont

Bonet - a delicious dessert from Piedmont

If you love chocolate, you have to try it!

Tiramisù: the most famous and worldwide known Italian dessert

Tiramisù: the most famous and worldwide known Italian dessert

Everything you want to know about Tiramisù.

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