Orange Juice: not only Vitamin C!

A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice a day keeps the doctor away.

A glass of squeezed orange juice a day can keep the doctor away - that's what the researchers of the Buffalo’ State University of New York found in recent times, independently if made by hand or with an electric juicer. The orange juice fights free radicals, responsible for cellular damages that may cause the ageing of the system.

Orange is native of China and of the Asian South East; it should have been imported in Europe only in the XIV century from Portuguese sailormen, that also nowadays continue to be named “portogallo” in Sicily, or “partualli” in Roman dialect, as Pascarella voucher for.


Orange and its flavonoids

Orange contains two flavonoids, Naringenin and Hesperidin. They can be found respectively in the internal pulp and in the rind and add up to reduce the inflammatory and oxidation stress consequent upon meals full of fats and carbohydrates. Furthermore, vitamin C, an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and helps to protect against cell damages, potassium, and lutein, which preserves elasticity reducing damages caused by UV rays, improve skin’s, hairs’ and nails’ aspect.

Italian oranges: I.G.P

Arancia Rossa di Sicilia I.G.P. is one among hundreds of varieties of the most important citrus, nowadays, in the world, not only used in the production of orange juices but also in that of candid fruit and drained fruit. I.G.P is an acronym that means “Indicazione Geografica Protetta”, or "Protected Designation of Origin". This definition is used in order to pick out the varieties of red pulp oranges (Moro,Tarocco e Sanguinello), exclusively cultivated in the villages of Lentini, Carlentini e Francofonte, in the province of Siracusa that correspond to what foreseen in the production disciplinary of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1997. Also the variety of blonde pulp oranges (Washinghton Navel) of Ribera, in the province of Agrigento, became a D.O.P. trademark - “Denominazione di Orgine Protetta”, or "Designation of Origin".

Orange Juice: not only Vitamin C!

Oranges and the football world

A curiosity from the football world: for the football sporting year 2012/2013, Consortium Red Orange of Sicily officially became the main sponsor of Catania S.p.A. football team. The name of Red Orange of Sicily together with the logo of the consortium and the IGP European trademark will appear on the shirts of the football players of the Serie A team.

Sources - Arancia Rossa di Sicilia - How to Make Orange Juice - The Nutrition of Oranges

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