How to eat spaghetti: the Italian way

When spaghetti and spoon do not get along?

In Italy kids learn very soon the right way to eat spaghetti: at six years old, while at school they learn how to write holding a pen correctly, at home their parents teach them to properly hold a fork to eat spaghetti.

Etiquette (the italian Galateo) give us some directions: we have to eat spaghetti and long pasta only with a fork. In addition:

  • we shall not cut spaghetti with a knife;
  • we shall not use a spoon to make easier rolling spaghetti on the fork.

Spaghetti with Pesto

Yes, spaghetti and spoon aren't friend. We know very well that spoon facilitates the operation of rolling up spaghetti on fork, but Etiquette forbids it.

We keep the fork a little inclined horizontally with the index finger resting on the back of the handle, toward the beginning of the teeth (tines). We roll up spaghetti a few at a time, in a clockwise direction, because in this way we get a small bite without hanging strands of spaghetti.

When you are rolling up spaghetti on the fork be careful because the more you roll fast, the more you risk of splashing the sauce around.

Curiosities for spaghetti-eaters

The Etiquette doens't include left-handers. That's too bad! If we consider that 50 years ago left-handed children in schools were forced to use the right hand (at least In Italy), we understand why Etiquette, which is much older, does not take into account left-handed needs. Today, even if the rules of Etiquette are unchanged, a new common sense suggests that when we eat, the most important thing is the good education at the table. For example we have to:

  • sit properly at the table;
  • do not spread the food out of the dish;
  • do not spout off;
  • do not look awkward.

If we cannot follow these rules using the right hand because we are left-handed, it is better to use the left one. Back to spaghetti, a left-handed will roll up spaghetti not in clockwise direction but counterclockwise, because that will be the most natural way for her or him.

If you want to invest 10 minutes in a funny spaghetti-break give a look at the following video: what is the correct way to roll up spaghetti around our fork?

Sources - Galateo - come mangiare gli spaghetti

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