

La Dolce Vita thumbnail

Risotto with eel

Risotto with eel straight from Comacchio's cookbook, a town of Emilia Romagna in the province of Ferrara. Image by leonardo4it, released under Creative Commons license.

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Eel looks like a ribbon actually and is barely seen as the majority of eels are nocturnal and also live in holes. Its size can range from 5 cm to even 4 m and its weight can reach 110 kg! Image credits by Boogies with Fish, released under Creative Commons license.


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Whole grilled eel

This simple and quick recipe for eel comes from Comacchio, a little town near Ferrara in Emilia Romagna Region.

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Eel broth in Comacchiese way

An eel recipe with a second name: eel broth a becco d'asino (in a donkey beak way).

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All about eel, the snake from the oceans

It’s like a snake but doesn’t slither…what is it?

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