Baked Eggplant with Modena Vinegar and Oregano

Delicious to serve with meat.

Baked Eggplant with Modena Vinegar and Oregano

Ingredients for Baked Eggplant with Modena Vinegar and Oregano, 1 person

  • 2 Eggplant;
  • Olive Oil;
  • Balsamic Vinegar;
  • Garlic Salt;
  • Oregano.

Preparation of Baked Eggplant with Modena Vinegar and Oregano.

In an oven tray we place the thinly sliced eggplants adding a considerate amount of olive oil. Keep in mind not to add too much so as not to fry them. Immediately afterwards, add the balsamic vinegar, garlic salt, oregano, and crushed red pepper (to taste).

We will then place the eggplants in a 350 ° oven flipping them over once they are tender (not fried). Flip them over once more and add the ingredients to the other side. We will know when the eggplants are ready once we feel that they are tender. Note: It is important that the eggplants do not get fried and that they remain spongy and tender.

Once the eggplants are done, we will store them in the refrigerator inside a container with the oil that remains from the baking pan. The eggplants, once in their containers, will last a long time due to the vinegar that was added before.


Recipe submitted by Antonio

Original author: Antonio “Garlic & Parsley’s”. Mediterranean flavors.

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